Erika Antoniazzo – About the Author of this website

Erika Antoniazzo is the author of this website

Erika Antoniazzo has an ongoing interest in all subjects regarding ecology in general and in particular in the impact of human interaction with the environment. She reads widely about anything which has to do with these subjects and only writes an article for this website after thorough investigation into the different ways to look at the matter.

She prefers for you to make up your own mind rather than forcing you to believe one thing or another. Therefore she tries to give you information about as many different aspects as possible and the pro and cons of each subject she writes about.

However, after extensive research, it’s her personal opinion that human interaction with the environment is causing Global Warming and is having many other serious impacts. This personal opinion is reflected throughout her website despite her attempt at being impartial.

Erika Antoniazzo is currently working for SEASFiRE, expanding educational boudaries by blending art, science and digital skills to further (marine)environment awareness and protection.
She’s also an avid under water photographer having won a few underwater photography contests. To see her photos click here.

By writing articles for this website she sincerely hopes to contribute to a better future for all, and wishes you happy reading.

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